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Lotus Orb VS Tiny Toss - Dota 2
Tiny's Toss while enemy in Lotus ORB, Like VolleyBall. Reverse Toss, Toss To The Long Distance
@dota2 Shaman reflect toss with lotus orb Tiny you OKAY? XD :)
Focus Fire + Lotus Orb Tiny = DEATH
bh toss on techies with lotus orb interaction
Amazing Lotus Orb Toss Save
LOTUS ORB TEAM..!! Epic 5 Man Lotus Orb 1st Item by Goodwin 7.27 | Dota 2
Dota 2 Preview - New patch 6.84 Tiny toss hero with Lotus Orb activated
TIP : DOTA2 : EP4 Counter Lotus Orb By Tiny And Chen
Lotus orb works with toss
Funny BH shuriken toss interaction on Techies w/ lotus orb
tiny toss goes wrong